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Explore the Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail Bus Trip

Friday, May 2, 2025 @ 8:00 am - Sunday, May 4, 2025 @ 5:00 pm


Join us on May 2-4, 2025 for an unforgettable journey along The Crooked Road.

We’ll visit iconic stops including the Floyd Country Store, the Birthplace of Country Music Museum, Blue Ridge Music Center, and the Carter Family Fold!

 Trip Rate:

Member – $1,200
Non-Member – $1,300


Package Includes:

Hotel Accommodations

Travel Accommodations

Select Meals: 1 Continental Breakfast, 2 Boxed Meals, 1 Lunch Buffet

2 Live Music Events

4 Attraction Tours


Rates increase on July 1, so don’t wait! Reserve your spot with a $275 non-refundable deposit and ask about our payment plan.
Secure your place on this exciting adventure and experience the heart of country music with us by calling 704-487-6233 or visit the Earl Scruggs Center today!



By making a booking with us, you affirm that you are at least 21 years of age and possess the legal authority to enter into this agreement in accordance with all Terms and Conditions herein. If you are making travel reservations or bookings for another person you agree to inform that person(s) about the Terms & Conditions that apply to the travel reservations and bookings you have made on their behalf, including all rules and restrictions applicable thereto and these Terms and Conditions. You agree to be financially responsible for all bookings you make. You are responsible for any bookings and travel reservations made by persons under your direction or control. You also warrant that all information supplied by you or on your behalf, or by members of your household is true, current, complete and accurate. Furthermore, you also confirm that the traveler is not an unaccompanied minor.



Tour participants under the age of 21 years must be accompanied by an adult. Not recommended for children under ten years. Child prices are not available.



Due to limited coach capacity we strongly recommend each passenger to bring no more than one normal size piece of checked baggage and a carry-on travel bag. No responsibility is accepted by The Earl Scruggs Center for loss of or damage to luggage or any other personal property.



A deposit of $275 per person is required to register unless otherwise indicated. Additional payments and balance of payment, must be received by the Earl Scruggs Center at least 60 days prior to tour departure.

The Earl Scruggs Center reserves the right to cancel reservations if deposit or final payment is not received by due dates and to apply the applicable cancellation penalties indicated on this document.



Regardless of reason, cancellations are costly. To offset these costs the following fees will apply, non-recoverable expenses of our suppliers will be charged, plus these per person charges:

61 days or more prior to departure – $275

60 – 15 days through day of departure – 50% of total cost

14 days through day of departure – 100% of total cost


Friday, May 2, 2025 @ 8:00 am
Sunday, May 4, 2025 @ 5:00 pm